“The goal of this book is to show the read that they have the ability to Transform Conflict into Collaboration. When enough of us choose this approach, it will positively influence our world to be a happier and more fulfilling place for all.

We each already have this power inside of us. This book will show you how to use it.”

~Matthew D. Anderson

Author, There’s No Such Thing as Right and Wrong


Conflict is Natural. Collaboration is a Choice.

There are natural psychological processes that take place in virtually all people. When we understand that everyone believes what they believe because they’ve had experiences that have formed their opinions, it becomes harder to damn The Other for their differences.

What’s even better than that is seeking to understand The Other by asking questions. When they share their story, you almost certainly won’ t have changed your mind - And in this book, you are encouraged to NEVER change your mind, unless you choose to - But you will understand why they believe what they believe. And with that information, we automatically respect The Other.

By giving respect freely, respect will be reciprocated faster than you can imagine. And with that respect, you can choose to collaborate with The Other, in spite of your differences.


Imagine feeling heard and respected by your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues, even when you disagree.  Imagine enjoying the holidays without the conflict associated with differing opinions. Imagine people holding each other up for what they passionately believe, even when they have opposing views. Imagine the work that could be done for the good of the nation if our political representatives in Washington D.C. could work harmoniously instead of antagonistically. 

You Have the Power to Make this Vision a Reality  

“My hope for you when you are done reading this book, is that you will be more open to opposing viewpoints; that you will have a greater appreciation for what other people believe, even when you disagree; and that you will have new tools to successfully navigate the countless conflicts you will inevitably encounter.”

— Matthew D. Anderson

There’s No Such Thing As Right and Wrong

Out Now!

We have the power to choose. You have the power to make this possible in your life.


We have a choice when it comes to conflict.  We can fear it and continue to reap the same outcomes we’ve reaped for our entire lives, or we can choose to view it as an opportunity to have positive growth. 

By choosing the latter, we remain in control of our behavior, and maintain the capacity to benefit from scenarios that most people would run away from. 

Conflict is Neutral - The people involved in conflict choose the variables that influence the outcomes

What people do in conflict, how they react to their own emotions and those of the other person, and how they behave after conflict, are all places where good or bad things can occur. Conflict itself is neutral, the people involved are the variables that influence the outcomes. 

There’s No Such Thing as Right and Wrong:

My book makes the case for an alternative to destructive interpersonal conflict, and promotes the opportunity to work toward finding a middle ground that serves all parties maximally, while creating minimal loss.

We will then explore how using this tool can lead to softened stances, increased respect and appreciation for differing viewpoints, and collaboration. This solution is applicable at the individual level, the organizational level, in communities, and can be more broadly applied to national and international conflicts.